
King Square was founded in 1970 and is Finsbury’s longest established nursery. It was originally registered as a morning group. In 1983 demand for nursery places was very high, and in response the morning group was expanded to a double session group providing a service for 22 children and their families.

In order to comply with the Children’s Act regulations the building had to be extended and this was completed in 1990 with the help of Lottery funding, grants from Islington Council, Cripplegate Foundation and parent fund-raising.

In 2007/2008 we moved temporarily to Midway House, and our building was once again extended, to become part of the Moreland and King Square Children’s Centre. In September 2008 we returned to our newly refurbished premises at Rahere House. The design of the building is such that all rooms are on the ground floor. The day care provision is based in two adjoining rooms that both lead out into the outdoor play area where children can build up new ideas and skills, take risks and make mistakes, think creatively and imaginatively, make sense of the world and learn to communicate and solve problems.

In 2013 we incorporated two professional local young men’s talent into our weekly curriculum to provide a Mini football programme playing on the local community pitch and Drama with Arnie to encourage activity and fitness to gain confidence and have fun. They also provide positive male role models to the children.

In 2015 the Big Lottery provided us with money to fund two yoga session per week for 3-4 year olds. In addition we also introduced Forest school which lead us to achieve our Healthy Early Years accreditation in 2016.

Due to the high demand in the area for two year old provision, St Luke’s was created (St Luke’s Nursery is a subsidiary of King Square Community Nursery) in September 2015 to provide 24 free part time (term time only) places for families in our local community. This consists of 12 morning places and 12 afternoon. The nursery is situated within St Luke’s Community Centre.

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