Special Educational Needs

Special Educational Needs

Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator, SENCO, has undertaken many SEN related qualifications, including extensive Autism, Behaviour and Inclusion training.

As well as regularly attending Islington SENCO Forums for professionals our SENCO is also the PVI sector representative for South Islington.

We have a great deal of experience with children who have mild to severe and complex needs, ranging from speech and language difficulties, behavioural issues, sensory disorders and Autism across the spectrum.

We act quickly at KSN and, with permission, we refer to outside agencies, ie, Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy, Child Psychology and Family Support, to name but a few, to enable the child and family to have the best opportunity for growth and support at home and in the nursery.

We also signpost parents/carers to the Islington Local Offer for all SEND information, local support groups, family support etc. and we also can refer to local speech and language groups, i.e.: Little Leaps and Chatterpillars.

SEN children, with a diagnosis, will receive time every day with our SENCO to work closely on their targets and therapists recommendations as well as having a Keyworker who will oversee their wellbeing throughout their session.

If you would like to speak to our SENCO, Emma, informally or otherwise, about your child then please call 0207 253 9020, by email [email protected] or pop in and see her between 9 and 12 Monday to Friday.

At King Square we believe that all children have the right to reach their full potential

 Parents, do you need advice and support or impartial information on Special Educational Needs and Disability?

This service is for parents/carers and children and young people aged up to 25, who live in the London Borough of Islington. They are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. They offer:

  • Advice, information and support on education, health and social care issues.
  • Support for parents/carers and children/young people to express their views and wishes.
  • Support at meetings with schools and the Local Authority.
  • Help to complete Special Educational Needs and Disability related paperwork.
  • Support around the Education Health Care plan process.
  • Support with applying for disability related benefits
  • Signposting to other services.

Please follow the link for more information https://www.family-action.org.uk/what-we-do/children-families/send/islingtonsend/

SEND code of practice: 0 to 25 years. Guidance on the special educational needs and disability (SEND) system for children and young people aged 0 to 25.

SEND Policy 

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